Monday, August 8, 2011

Sideshow Legendary Scale Busts - Blue Stealth Ironman

Sideshow Legendary Scale Bust - Blue Stealth Ironman

I went for a holiday to Hong Kong in March 2009 and past by Toy Hunters at CTMA one evening when i saw this gem of a bust. I initially thought it was gonna cost an arm or a leg but was shocked when the guy told me the price - after conversion in SGD$ 130... What a steal !!!

It looks awesome with the lights turned on and i remembered my son telling me he was scared of the monster's red eyes.. Anyway, its a pity there wasn't the normal version on sale as well.

The sculpt was quite well made and if my memories serve me right it is done in the sculpt of the Extremis armour. The body was finished off in quality metallic blue paint with the mask done up in lighter blue shade. It weighs a lot too and i would know as i hand carried it in a bag all the way back to Singapore.

In fact the only thing negative about it was the stand had some small chips which luckily wasn't visible when it stood upright.

Other toys bought during the holiday were Gijoe Mighty Muggs wave 1 and Takatomy Drift cars.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Marvel legends Series 15 - MODOK BAF

My current collection:

Beta Ray Bill
Captain Marvel
Thorbuster Ironman
Wasp - Red variant
Moonknight - white variant
Destroyer - variant
Spiderwoman - Julian carpenter variant
Captain Marvel - cosmic variant

This is the final swansong for Toybiz's marvel legends. Marvel's figure license ends here but will be bought over by Hasbro. I miss the highly articulated and well sculpted figures that toybiz used to churn out as compared to the hideous, limited artculation and less sculpted hasbro ones. Anyway all the figures were exceptionally done and it had the DESTROYER, thorbuster ironman, captain marvel and beta ray bill. Figures that rank high on my wish list. There were variants for every character except BRB and although there should be a blue variant wasp, it was eventually discontinued. Rumor has it that only a few pieces made it out of production and has even made it in ebay once.. IMO, this is one of toybiz best ever waves...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Marvel Legends Series 14 - Mojo BAF

Concept Figures

Current set consist of:
1st appearance ironman
Luke Cage
Baron Zemo
1st appearance ironman - Gold variant
Baron Zemo - Scarred face variant
Falcon - Red uniform variant

Toybiz initially planned to release the X-babies and 1st appearance daredevil (see above pics)along with the Mojo BAF but was cancelled due to oil prices. There was also rumors that there was a cancelled production of a variant star-faced psylocke and a classic silver variant luke cage. I remember that a lady (someone nickname "blackcat") in the US who has posted pics of her ML collection with them in it. I would believe they are the holy grail to any ML toy collector.

Now back to the Mojo series, the characters lack desirability except for the gold variant ironman which was pretty rare and Mojo BAF just wasn't in the same league with other BAFs.

Marvel Legends Series 13 - Onslaught BAF

Production figures

Concept Figures

Current set consist of:
Lady Deathstrike
Green Goblin
Unmasked Green Goblin - variant
Abomination - scarred face

Crown of lies loki - variant

"Bring on the bad guys" This series consisted primarily of villians and several of them particularly abomination, green goblin, blackheart and loki were excellent. There were rumors as you see above to include Grunts of all evil organzations without a BAF but instead ended up with Onslaught BAF, which isn't bad at all. What i think toybiz should have done was to include heavyweight villians such as thanos, kang, maelstorm, mephisto and KEEP CRIMSON DYNAMO (Hasbro produced one recently)... Anyway, no complaints from me though...

Marvel Legends Series 12 - Apocalypse BAF

Current set consist of:
sasquach - normal brown
X-23 - normal
Bishop - normal with hair
Iron Fist - normal green
Masked wolverine
Maestro Hulk
Unmasked wolverine
Iron Fist - variant red
X-23 - black variant

Sasquach - white variant
Bishop - Bald variant

This series was just as bad as the legendary rider series. WHY ??? The lineup was just plain weak, it had another wolverine to add on to the countless we had already and X-23 IMO was just poorly sculpted. However, it came along with the BAF which when connected together was quite impressive and there were variants for every character except maestro hulk. Overall, still disappointing....

Marvel legends series 11 - legendary Rider series

Current set consist of:
Ironman Hulkbuster
Scarlet Witch
Wonderman - ionic variant

Missing :
Logan - variant

I must say this series has been somewhat of a disappointment. I wondered why they name it the legendary Rider series ? I mean wats so legendary about vengence with a bike and take a look at Ultron, it looks hideous !!! They should have added a BAF with the weak lineup they had.. The only figures worth mentioning were the oversized hulkbuster, Taskmaster (which was well sculpted) and variant wonderman. Overall, major disappointment.

Marvel Legends Series 10 - Sentinel BAF

It's been a long time since my last blog, largely attributed to a busy work schedule, getting married, having a kid and blah blah etc.... but i will continue blogging about my toy collection and more.

I have shifted my focus from 6" marvel legends to collecting Hot Toys 1/6 marvel figure range and i must say its been very worthwhile. I am totally sold on the realism and accuracy on most of their 1/6 figures, especially the ironman range but honestly its an expensive hobby. The figures now cost nearly SGD $ 200 - 300 a figure. I will blog into my Hot toys collection soon but for now continue on ToyBiz marvel legends first

Here's Toybiz marvel legends series 10 - Sentinel BAF

Current set consist of:

1st appearance spiderman

Black panther


Omega Red

Mr Sinister

Cyclops - X factor variant

Angel - X faactor variant

Missing pcs:

Cyclops - normal version

Angel - normal version

Its the must have BAF for all ML fans out there, in particular the X-MEN fans. The set consisted of several mainstream characters and were all very well sculpted. The Sentinel BAF towers a cool 14" above anything else and is highly realistic (you can see the washed / faded colors to give it a battled look), articulated and very well sculpted. When it was first launched, people were buying tons of it just to accumulate several sentinel BAFs. I have known of some collectors having up to 10 sentinels.... I am just looking for a extra sentinel head piece to complete my second sentinel. Help anyone !!!