Hasbro Walmart Silver Surfer vs Toybiz Silver surfer comparison

Hasbro marvel legends exclusives
Damn, shouldn't have gotten the 25th TRUs Limited edition silver aniversary wolverine as soon as it came out at TRUs. It must be the craziest marvel figure i have ever bought. It retailed at $36.90 then but has since dipped to $26.90. IMO, they should have just painted in colour. The silver paint just doesn't go with any marvel legend figures unless its the silver surfer (DUH !!!) and the packaging feels cheap for a exclusive figure. Furthermore, how limited is it (25000pcs) when there are like a zillion of these around. Is 25th Silver Anniversary Wolverine Toys R Us Exclusive a stupid gimmick or a cool collector's piece? You take your pick.
Just bought the Limited edition Walmart Silver surfer last week. The sculpt used was the same as the toybiz ML series 5 SS. However, the hasbro SS stands just slightly a little taller, has pegs attached on its surf board instead of magnetic pieces and has a all silver paintjob instead of a silverish blue paintjob on its predecessor. The packaging itself looks good and IMO looks more like an exclusive product. I just wish we could get more exclusive figures in retail.
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